Saturday, October 1, 2011

speechless. . .

I've had a share of crazy situations and heard some crazy stories, but this by far out weighs them all:

"Lord help these people. So, I was at a birthday party for my friend here from Texas. She is here as a missionary and her clique of Texans are all here with their church doing mission work in secret, cause you can't be too open in communist land. I was on the couch chatting with another lady who is from Arizona originally, and she has the cutest little girl and adorable little plump face boy who is maybe 1 or 2. He's soo plump I can't tell how old he really is, lol. 

Well, the lady from Arizona, told me about how the Vietnamese were "checking" little foreign babies to see if they were a boy or a girl. . . She said it happened to a friend of hers and the friend's child hates Vietnamese now because of it, gee wonder why? So Sarah says it happened to her baby boy one day, out in public, broad day light, they were near the big Notre Dame Cathedral, and this woman reaches toward the boy to reach in his diaper to "check" if he is a boy or girl, Sarah catches her and slaps her hand and says "NO!" really loud of of course. . . but I'm sitting on this couch like WTF, THAT'S MOLESTATION!!! She just molested your child in front of you. The woman wouldn't have a hand left if I caught her doing that to my child, What in tha world is wrong with these people???!?! And it's not a Vietnamese thing because she asked around, and Vietnamese people told her it's not common. I commend this woman for being fairly calm, but I would NOT have my children in this part of the world, Especially if I was white! You are a moving target, and they will kidnap your child and sell them into slavery. People say I'm brave for riding a motorbike? No YOU'RE brave, to #1 have your toddler child playing with these crazy children, and letting every Thuy, Thu, and Ngan touch your child's skin and hair, and . . . #2 withstanding the heat while pregnant AND #3 Actually trusting ANY Doctor over here foreign or Vietnamese to birth your baby properly. . ugh.

Second crazy thing. I didn't see it, but our Brazilian co-worker comes into the office one afternoon, I guess he went out for coffee, comes back and says he just saw a naked woman walking down the middle of the street, in the middle of traffic. He says she was completely naked, just frolicking down the street. Passed the police directing traffic nobody stopped her, no one pulled her to the side to put clothes on her. . . . . what is going on here??!?"

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