Watching the online broadcast of a sermon at trinity church. . . At the end of an entire weekend of partying I am reminded what February represents in my community. I am reminded that through my foolishness and faults Jesus still loves me, His grace and mercy endures. I am reminded of the painful past of American history but reminded that this past is what made "Us" such an amazing culture. Below is a quote from Frederick Douglass. Though he expressed his sadness and disappointment in American history, I would dare to say "Thank You" to all the haters of our past and present. Thank you for reminding me why I work so hard to abolish your ignorant ways and narrow-minded perspective of who you think I am or what you think I should be. From the day I entered kindergarten to the day I arrived in Southeast Asia, it never ceases to amaze me how distorted and demonized the image is of Black people in the minds of those from sheltered, uneducated, monotonous communities across the world. "But be careful not to become the evil you seek to remove." It takes courage to remain beautiful when everyones disposition towards you is so ugly. Live with no fear and abolish hatred with love.
"In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky–her grand old woods–her fertile fields–her beautiful rivers–her mighty lakes and star crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing."
-Frederick Douglass
"In thinking of America, I sometimes find myself admiring her bright blue sky–her grand old woods–her fertile fields–her beautiful rivers–her mighty lakes and star crowned mountains. But my rapture is soon checked when I remember that all is cursed with the infernal spirit of slave holding and wrong; When I remember that with the waters of her noblest rivers, the tears of my brethren are borne to the ocean, disregarded and forgotten; That her most fertile fields drink daily of the warm blood of my outraged sisters, I am filled with unutterable loathing."
-Frederick Douglass